Saturday, July 9, 2011

pretty people

we the people

i've been trawling through the most wonderful images on we the people, which is probably one of the most attention capturing blogs i've ever seen. i traipsed across it this morning, and spent a solid hour clicking through older post after older post, and never ever did the next page disappoint. strongly recommend you check it out here if you haven't already, i don't know how i've been missing it for so long. anyway, these four stood out to me, i love a few different style aspects in each.

1. there was a sportsgirl jacket a few months ago which was exactly like the black one, but grey. i am so devastated i didn't buy it, it's one of those purchases i umm'd and ahh'd about and decided that i wouldn't get enough wear out of it for the price. and now i realise how very wrong i was. hmpf.
2. adore the delicate draping and colour of this dress juxtaposed with the black leather belt, wedges and alexander wang bag. effortlessly cool.
3. kate waterhouse is just one of those people who can do no wrong when it comes to the style world. she's the type of person i want to be best friends with, just so i can borrow everything in her wonderful wardrobe.
4. i'm currently tossing up about cat-eyes. yay or nay? this girl pulls them off fantastically, but i have such a narrow face that i think they'd look ridiculous. regardless, i love them. 

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