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i've grown up in a household which has placed a huge emphasis on the importance of nurturing yourself, and only recently have i truly understood what this means. it means reading the signs your body gives you - and seriously, it's not that hard if you're just AWARE - your body gives you an incredible amount of signals!! - for me, this means i've changed from processed breads to sourdough to prevent getting bloated, cut sugar out of my diet to prevent eczema, lessened my meat intake, and understand that i need to start my day with a huge breakfast to stop myself from going on an afternoon sugar slump.
but the other important aspect to nurturing yourself is exercise. and exercise i struggle with. it's not that i don't enjoy it, it's the 'getting me off my bum and doing some' part that drives me nuts! but recently i've started to realise how important it is to have some inspiration, especially with summer looming and a fairly untoned body thanks to winter hibernation (ugh). so i decided to do some research into some women that i think have beautiful bodies because they're healthy and fit and still have some curves, which resulted in one person in particular - lara bingle. i follow her on twitter and she regularly comments on her love/hate relationship with the training she does, but with a body like hers, it's motivated me and made me realise it's so worth it. she portrays such confidence in herself, she still has ladylike curves and she embodies a healthy lifestyle.
Last night I said to my BF.. you know who I wish I looked like... flippin Lara Bingle. That girl has it all! I don't care how she has previously been labelled, I love this chick!
I can totally relate with you at the moment about reading what your body is telling you. I am also currently trying to detox my body from bad foods and fighting with all my might to avoid that afternoon sugar slump.
Really like you blog x
Hahaha I know exactly what you mean! It's that situation where you put aside all the crap she's been put through and it just comes down to the fact she's overall a gorgeous girl!
Such a good feeling when you're really listening to your body, it makes such a difference in so many ways so make sure you keep it up, it'll do you a world of good :)
Thanks for visiting, your blog is amazing.
Chloe. xx
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