Sunday, January 22, 2012

work work work

my photos

i've definitely been working my backside off lately, but with plenty of work comes time for play, and play we certainly have! first off was a bittersweet occasion, farewelling the most incredibly funny and amazing manager with a party at my humble abode with everyone bringing fantastic food, including the incredible white chocolate cheesecake in the first picture! the night got progressively messy, including the surprise stripper henry, who had all of us in absolute stitches. the party was 'm' themed, after our manager, and we had madeline, marilyn monroe, a mohican indian, mariah carey, a mermaid, miss serbia & malibu barbie.
just as i'd managed to recover from the riot of night that was the farewell, it was time for the belated work christmas party with the entire gang at criniti's in darling harbour. the food was delish (i've never, ever had so much pizza), everyone looked stunning and i won an award for most improved! i'll post a better idea of what i wore next time!

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